Three Station Masters of Bow Station

1st November 1863 – 31st July 1906 (Originally published in Journal 67, December 2016) by Peter Bloomfield with a lot of help from Colin Mansell and Martin O’Keeffe.) Abraham Keeble (1st November 1863 – 28th July 1884) Abraham Keeble was born before records began (Autumn 1837) but it was sometime around 1816 (NLR Staff register), […]

Collision at Bow Station on 7th November, 1883

(or carrying nepotism too far) (originally published in Journal 55, December 2012, of the NLRHS) [William Joyce, Edwin Joyce, Charles Jupp and William Patmore] The 7th November, 1883, saw the East End of London, and Bow in particular, suffering from a dense fog with visibility restricted between six and twenty yards. The driver of the […]